Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Travelling shirts

Well the T-shirts are definately turning up in all sorts of places. The word really is spreading fast. We don't want our ferries sold, especially to profit hungry business, who will run down services and risk public safety all in the name of the dollar.

The official start to the Save Our Ferries campaign is tomorrow at 8 AM in front of the wharves at Circular Quay. Why not come along and wear your shirt proudly? I hope that you all have learnt the SOS song from our web sight as we may be singing it loudly tomorrow.

Lets tell the government that we own the ferries and do not wish to sell!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

SOS support from over seas

We were gladdened to see supporters of SOS wear their shirts with pride whilst spreading the word around the world.

We would also like to urge everyone to follow the links on the web sight and send those politicians those emails.

We need to be heard and what better way then to swamp them with our objection to selling off our ferries
We are hearing rumors of people going to make a day of protest at the governments short sighted attempt to give away our ferries. We have heard through the grape vine that the 21/8 may see the T-shirts come out in force to get this campaign moving.